I was sitting at Mia Pomodora yesterday waiting for the food to come that I had ordered using my wonderful Groupon. Which on a side note is the best thing since a hotdog on a stick. Groupon and Living Social feed my life and I just want to say thank you to those glorious organizations for providing to me what I am not able to provide to myself. But anyhow – sitting at Mia Pomodora and this dude walks up and asks to sit with us since he was waiting for food too.
So dude was chattering away making small talk and he asks Trellis and I “what sort of guys we like…” Weird. But okay moving forward. And we were thinking about that in comparison to the guys who live down here and I came to the conclusion that Charleston is made up of two things. Sweater Vests and Beach Bums.
No one wants to date a sweater vest because they are more feminine than most of the girls I meet. And for anyone thinking on this who is from the Midwest. Let me just tell you here and now that a southern sweater vest wearing man is a far different animal than a Midwestern sweater vest wearing man. The southern sweater vest likes to wear short pink shorts and a visor while he creepily tries to pick up girls at yoga class or by boasting his own self worth at a local coffee shop. Pretty boys in the most negative context.
The beach bum is a much more attractive option. But since really we are looking for Trellis here and not for me – I don’t quite see that working out either. Although Trellis has embraced the beach lifestyle..i.e. she doesn’t do her hair before going to the beach and from time to time she actually wears a bathing suit. I don’t really see her embracing a beach bum with the same enthusiasm. Beach bums are carefree and fun and full of love and kind words, but you don’t see them between the months of May and September (unless you are at the beach) and their day to day lives off the beach are almost always up for debate.
Beach bums…sweater vests…beach bums….sweater vests…what to do, what to do.
I think trellis could be a sweater vest kinda girl...