Monday, June 6, 2011

Three Days til Toledo - Eight Days til Ireland

Just a quick note regarding the fact that I’ve had the most beautiful few weeks ever - with lots of love, sunshine and long and giggly late night conversations. I feel perfectly in touch with most of my lifelong lovers thanks in part to long weekends and lazy phone calls and there has been a recent overflow of wondrous activities here in town that all seem to epitomize summer in the South. Late nights in the water, early mornings on the beach, mimosas for days, Art Walk Sushi Extravaganzas and all those glorious days in the sun.

I was floating about in the pool on Sunday afternoon and I glanced up at my motley crew of goof ball friends here in South Carolina and I realized that I am truly content. This is probably helped by the fact that I am heading home in three days and therefore have stopped being sad over missing all my beloveds from home and finally just get to feel the excited anticipation of seeing everyone so soon. Plus all the plans in the works for IU Homecoming helps relieve the never quite dissipated twinge of sorrow over the fact that college really is over. But, considering that my friends from home are the loves of my life and will always be so no matter where we live. And the fact that my friends from school are also heart and soul lovers but so scattered around the country at the moment we could never all be together anyhow. I feel really lucky to be so happy with my life. I love where I am, Love the people I've met, I love the journey I’ve been on so far and the one ahead and I know the people who really matter in my life will always be there.

This may also be stemming from the fact that I pulled all of my pictures off facebook with some handy dandy gadget and had a quick (1,800 pictures or so flickering past at high speeds) trip down memory lane – starting with Toledo, blurring through Bloomington and ending with yesterday. And it may be in part due to the fact that my little sister graduated from high school yesterday and it made me reflect on the journey I've taken since that day. It's gone by so fast, and every moment seems to slip by a little quicker than the last. It's nice to sit back and reflect now and again on the people who I've loved, still love and who helped make me into the person I am today.

So just a quick note reminding all of my friends that you are the butter to my biscuits, the jelly to my peanut butter and the bananas to my frozen banana stand.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Ocean Waves versus Lake Beach Days – the countdown to Ireland begins

Summer is officially here in Charleston. The dreaded humidity has yet to really set in, so for now it’s just sunny and hot days with cool [but getting buggier] nights. I finally understood the difference between the Ocean and my grandma’s lake last weekend. I’ve been arguing that they aren’t that different since the day I arrived, but last weekend I went to Folly Beach – beers and Bert’s .83 cent hotdogs in hand – and by 2p.m. I was spent. By 4 p.m. I absolutely had to leave. It is freaking hot out there! The sun is stronger, the water is warmer, and eventually – a girl just has to get some shade a cold drink.

Despite my unfortunate revelation that summer beach days will be shorter than I initially planned, I still got a better tan than I would’ve after a week at grandma’s lake and the waves of the ocean are significantly more fun to play in than the waves of Lake Erie. Although I must say, I do miss floating on a raft with Trellis and Ames while having my younger cousins deliver us beers all day long - there is little to no floating in the ocean.

I still feel as though I am constantly on vacation here. I’ve been trying to incorporate normal, human activities into my day to day life – working out, grocery shopping, laundry. But it’s hard when there is a beach or a pool and a sunny day in front of you. I’ve been wishing it would rain lately so that I could have a day to just do the boring stuff that life requires. Although I suppose requires is a strong word. I certainly did not do many of those things in college. And I do not in the least way suspect that I will perish if I continue to not do them now.

I’ve been trying to be good lately and actually purchase groceries so that I don’t have to run to Fuel or Black Bean every time I want to eat. So I went to Whole Foods the other day and got such an array of delicious summer treats that I now worry I will become a Whole Foods addict and still succeed at never actually cooking anything. I’ve got to go to the Farmer’s Market this weekend. The produce there is amazing and soooo cheap. It’s amazing how much actual organic and locally grown food costs versus “organic” and “local” food from grocery stores and restaurants. I can spend $15 at the Farmer’s Market and walk away with two weeks’ worth of produce. $15 won’t get me a two days worth of produce from Earth Fare or even Wal-Mart. But back to the point of Whole Foods. Such tasty treats and really not very expensive if you shop smart. Plus, best of all of course, I got a massive thing of mixed bottled beers for less than $10 – bomb diggity. I love good beer, and inexpensive good beer is best of all!

Memorial Day weekend was uneventful but fun. Nothing like the weekend prior that was a constant onslaught of parties and drunken foolishness. With a finale that involved tiki bars, rooftops and unexplained nudity. Not surprising considering it was Josh’s birthday and then the Knight family came into town.

In honor of Pepper Pots Birthday (she's 3, because she needed an age), we finally ate the infamous Duck Sandwich at Tattooed Moose. Nick and I split it because it is ginormous and I do have to say it is quite delicious. Grease drenched bread that still held its texture like a champ – shaved duck with a sweet sauce over top and three layers of delicious toppings and condiments. Paired with a side of duck fat fries and a PBR pounder – I’d say it was well worth the $8. I don’t think I’d go in it on my own for $15+, that is a bit high even for a super taste-o-licious sandwich. But then again I am not a dude, and I do believe that many a dude would eat that big boy on their own and feel just fine about it.